What is Philosophy?
The word Philosophy comes from the greek word "Philo" which means "Love" and "Sophia" which means wisdom. In short, Philosophy means love of wisdom or knowledge. The person who searches for the meaning, importance, significance, value, and relevance of life is called Philosopher.
Elements in Philosophical Search
- The object of the search is of real value to the subject.
- It consumes the whole person his attention, concentration, interest, and effort.
- It is continued without let-up until
- The answer is found
- If the answer is not found, a conviction is reached that is the best possible although imperfect answer.
The Nature of Philosophy
Man continues to search for meaning of himself and of the world. In the unity of truths
- Scientific
- Ethical
- Religious
- Aesthetic
Subjects in Philosophy
- Logic - It is the science or art of correct thinking.
- Ethics - It is about the morality of human acts.
- Epistemology - It is the theory of knowledge to attain the truth.
- Metaphysics - It is the study of human reality system of human thoughts. It seeks to explain the fundamental concepts of man.
- Cosmology - It is the study of inanimate things especially the universe.
- Aesthetics - It is the study of beautiful things.
- Rational or Philosophical Psychology - It is about the life principle of living things and man.
- Theodisy - It is the study of God.
- Social Philosophy - It is about man in relation to family, state, and church.
- Philosophy of Man - Human dimension, dignity, truth, freedom, justice, love, and death.
List of Philosophers from Different Periods
Here is the List of Famous Philosophers from Different Periods
A. Pre-Socratic Period
- The Greeks
- Socrates
- Plato
- Aristotle
- The Romans
- Seneca
- Marcus Aurelius
- Epictetus
B. The Middle Ages
- Augustine
- Bonaventure
- Boethius
- Albert the Great
- Thomas Aquinas
- Duns Scotus
- Pico della Mirandola
C. Early Modern Period
- Rene Descartes
- Nicolo Machiovelli
- Thomas Hobbes
- Benedict Spinoza
- John Locke
- David Hume
- Immanuel Kant
D. Nineteenth Century
- Jeremy Bentham
- George Wilhelm Friedrick Hegel
- Soren Kierkegurad
- Frederich Nietche
- Karl Marx
E. Contemporary Period
- Jean Paul Sartue
- Gabriel Marcel
- Edmund Hussesi
- Marth Huidegger
- Teil Hard de Chardain
- Karl Jaspers
- Marth Johann
- Henvi Bergson
- Luduig Wingenstein
- William Lujipen
- Alfred North Whitehead
- John Dewey
- William James
- Charles S. Pierce
- Paul Ricoirer
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